Include certain natural substances into your diet will help you neutralize the harmful effects of chemical pollution, applying a powerful protective effect on your well-being and beauty
The diet that we usually follow on many occasions may not provide us with the nutrients that our body needs.
The methods that agriculture currently uses in its crops, the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and fertilizers, as well as the harvesting of fruits and vegetables when they have not yet reached their optimum point of ripeness, can cause them not to have the proper concentration of nutrients and phytochemicals, which despite not having nutritional value, do have powerful beneficial effects on our health.
Thus, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, plants or seeds, are usually the most used natural supplements to alleviate dietary imbalances that over time can generate serious deficiencies in the body.
Some supplements can help us neutralize the harmful effects of chemical pollution in our society, substances that act as free radicals that damage cells and other molecules in the body, so the use of antioxidant supplements will help us counteract its effects. negatives.
Some of the most consumed supplements that will help you balance your diet are:
Wheat germ:
It is the part of the wheat grain with the highest nutritional value.
Its high content of vitamin E and its antioxidant power stand out.
it has a substance that increases resistance to fatigue, which is why its consumption is especially recommended in those recuperate, in children, the elderly, people subjected to great physical or intellectual stress, as well as in periods of asthenia and decay and in the changes of season.
Chia seeds:
Its fiber content, proteins that contain all the essential amino acids, and Omega 3 fatty acids are remarkable.
they have minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.
They are widely used in the treatment of constipation and to help keep cholesterol and glucose levels in balance.
In some situations, the consumption of supplements is more necessary
If you are a smoker, you need vitamins C and B.
If you are a strict vegetarian, vitamin B12 supplements.
If you have heavy periods, you need iron.
If you are under stress or nervous tension, the B vitamins will be of great help.
If you are pregnant, folic acid.
Beer yeast:
It is a microscopic fungus rich in high biological quality proteins
vitamins, especially group B
Alpha-lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, and minerals like chromium and selenium.
It is a great ally of beauty thanks to its balancing effect on the skin, also strengthening hair and nails.
Dietary fiber:
We find it in fruits, vegetables, vegetables, and unrefined cereals, exerting an important job of capturing toxins, fats, and waste substances.
When not consuming a sufficient amount through the diet, wheat bran, flax seeds or glucomannan can be added.
These are substances that neutralize the action of free radicals, prevent certain diseases, or exert a beneficial effect on them, such as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, or even diabetes.
In addition to vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, or selenium, there are others such as bioflavonoids, chlorophyll, resveratrol, or anthocyanins.
They are germs that ferment the milk turning it into yogurt or kefir.
They help us to maintain the balance of the intestinal flora, favoring its functions.
It is a great ally against constipation and abdominal bloating.
They can be taken in dairy derivatives (probiotics), tablets, or powder.
Soy lecithin:
This compound extracted from soy is very rich in "phospholipids", a type of fat.
Phospholipids play a key role in the structure of cells and, above all, in the nervous system.
Helps normalize cholesterol levels, in turn exerting a favorable effect on liver diseases.
it is a powerful preventive of cardiovascular ailments.
Omega 3 and 6:
To ensure the proper functioning of the body, these fatty acids must be found inadequate proportions, generally four parts of Omega 6 to one of Omega 3.
Omega 3s have an anti-inflammatory effect, are heart-healthy, improve insulin resistance and exert a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism,
in fact, it has been shown that frequently consuming foods rich in Omega 3 fats favor fat burning and contribute to show off a slim figure.
They help to maintain mental balance, being essential for the formation of cell membranes and for the normal development of the fetal nervous system.
Omega 3 acids are mainly found in fatty fish salmon, sardines, mackerel. and also in flax, soybean, and wheat germ oils, in walnuts, and in some types of algae.
For their part, Omega 6s are necessary for the formation of cell membranes and some hormones,
they help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, improving cardiovascular health. They are present in the oils of flax seeds, borage, or evening primrose.

Royal Jelly and Pollen:
Both supplements are recommended due to their richness in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, in cases of physical or intellectual exhaustion, lack of appetite, convalescence from diseases, etc.
There are multiple studies that have confirmed the nutritional, energetic, and metabolic properties of Royal Jelly, a treasure of nature that we have within our reach and that help us to overcome states of decay and fatigue very effectively.
In states of weakness, stress, and exhaustion, both physical and intellectual, Royal Jelly is an excellent food supplement.
Royal Jelly, the fruit of the work of bees, is an exceptional and completely natural revitalizer for the body.
Rich in vitamins C, E, A, and group B, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and amino acids,
it has a stimulating, toning, and rebalancing effect on the nervous system, increasing energy levels, improving brain oxygenation, and regularizing digestive disorders.
Its antiseptic and bactericidal properties strengthen the immune system against external aggressions, making it especially effective in the prevention and treatment of colds and colds.
As if that were not enough, Royal Jelly also prevents premature aging, thanks to its antioxidant properties, allowing you to show off younger, smoother, and more luminous skin.
However, it should be noted that its consumption should be moderate, using this natural elixir to benefit seasonally, not being recommended its prolonged consumption in time, in which case the administration should be supervised by a specialist.