If you want to regain your slim figure without too many sacrifices and forever, Then forget about quick weight loss methods and diets that force you to starve all day. 

It will be enough to rely on the Mediterranean diet and carry out some very simple tips to achieve it.

Tricks to control your appetite without gaining weight

Living a slave to the scale, counting calories, and forbidding us to open the refrigerator is not the best solution to achieve our ideal weight and maintain it.

A strict diet may be necessary at a certain time but should not be maintained indefinitely. Eating in a balanced way and changing some habits can cause you to lose weight almost without realizing it.

Obsessing overweight is not at all healthy and can lead to serious problems. Eating right means eating all kinds of food in moderation and in the right combination. 

Many are the factors that influence the metabolism of each organism and the greater or lesser ease of gaining weight, but, unless there is some dysfunction. We do not have to gain weight if we eat a diet based on the Mediterranean diet and we accompany it with minimal physical activity.

The "equation" is quite simple if we consume approximately the same calories that we expend, the body is in balance and there is no overweight. 

To achieve this, it is necessary to develop healthy eating habits that should be based on the following premises

Eat five meals a day:
Starting with a full breakfast that includes skim milk, whole grains, and some fruit and having a light snack in the middle of the morning and some snack (so we will avoid arriving with excessive hunger to the main meals). 

It is very important that you try to adhere to a meal schedule, distributing them throughout the day in a harmonious way. Forget the idea of ​​skipping meals, it won't help you lose weight.

Eat varied. The so-called dissociated diets, which are based on the exclusive intake of certain foods, can be a temporary remedy but never the basis of a correct diet.

Eat-in moderation:
Chewed slowly to achieve a greater feeling of fullness and facilitate digestion. 

Of course, you should eat sitting down, giving your diet the importance it deserves and enjoying it without haste or stress. 

You shouldn't hesitate to take a short pause between bites, perhaps having a pleasant conversation.

Do not try to eat in front of the television. You should try not to associate food with your favorite activities, as it will create the urge to snack, for example, while watching television. 

In addition, that way it will be very difficult for you to control what you eat, often in these circumstances you will eat without realizing it.

Combine food properly with simple tricks such as not including excess protein in the same dish or not mixing it with starches.

For example, if we eat meat, as an accompaniment we will choose vegetables or salad, never potatoes or rice.

Healthy habits which will help you lose weight

Some very simple changes in our way of life can help us lose weight without resorting to express diets, "miracle" products, or spartan food. 

Although it is not always easy due to the hectic daily rhythm, it is important to return to natural foods. Sometimes you eat little but you eat badly. 

If prepared food and so-called fast food are the basis of our diet, it is likely that our body receives an excessive amount of fats and few vitamins and proteins. 

Cooking simple dishes, a grilled fish or meat, a vegetable stir fry or a pasta salad is not that complicated and will ensure the intake of healthy dishes.

Another of the basic changes so that our customs are allies of our line refers to liquids. 

Our body needs at least 1.5 liters of fluids to stay in perfect condition. 

Eliminate or reduce the intake of alcohol and sugary drinks and replace them with water, natural juices, and infusions, 

You will not only reduce weight but also eliminate toxins and you will notice a general improvement in a few days in your body and in the condition of your skin.

The way you cook different foods also influences when it comes to gaining or losing weight. 

Fried and battered foods should be limited, while steamed, grilled, or wok-cooked foods retain all their beneficial properties with almost no fat added. 

We must also choose dressings that provide flavor but do not contribute to increasing our weight or causing the dreaded fluid retention. 

Use virgin olive oil for salads and vegetables and control the salt (you will see how quickly you get used to a food that is not so "tasty" but much healthier).

In short, base your diet on the Mediterranean diet, which includes olive oil as the main source of fat.

Eat foods rich in fiber and vitamins such as fresh fruit, vegetables, and legumes. 

It favors fish and poultry over red meats and sausages, remembering the importance of its culinary preparation being simple, grilled, boiled, and roasted. 

Add the aromatic herbs that you like the most, parsley, garlic, onion, oregano, cumin 

Choose low-fat dairy and whole grains (unrefined), avoid sugary refreshing drinks, and avoid industrial pastries.

Finally, we must insist that eating habits are as important as the way of life itself. Losing weight and being healthy necessarily implies the practice of some type of exercise. 

Any activity that gets us moving is valid. You don't need to do strenuous exercise, but you should stay active and get regular moderate exercise. 

Nor is it necessarily going to the gym: walking, swimming, dancing, cycling or simply not taking the elevator are possibilities within our reach to lead a healthier life in which it is not necessary to count calories.

And if at any time you sin with your favorite dessert, do not blame yourself and much less abandon your purpose of losing weight or the good habits acquired. 

Go back to your goals at the next meal, nothing happens!