10 Major Weight Loss Mistakes You Should Avoid

We discovered the main drawbacks to overcome to lose weight in a healthy, long-lasting, and effective way.

75% of the adult population have tried to lose weight at some point in their life and only 2 out of 10 people who try to lose weight succeed.

With these data, it seems that something is wrong with attempts to lose weight to reap this degree of failure.

To lose weight you have to learn to eat

Although there is still much to discover, progress has been made in burying false myths, exonerating food, and denouncing magic recipes to lose weight.

However, there are not a few people who today still fall into miracle diets, weight loss methods that are promoted on television shows, in magazines ... Contrary to what is believed, these types of diets are not innocuous. 

This accumulation of failed attempts causes that when the person becomes aware that the shortcuts are not valid to lose weight, the treatment time is lengthened.

Hence, it costs more to lose the fat that comes with being overweight and the problems associated with it, which go far beyond the aesthetic plane.

Faithless myths to lose weight that does not lose weight and harm health

To lose weight you have to learn to eat, and this includes stopping making certain mistakes that we may have internalized, and even contradictory information and lacking scientific evidence. 

Although there are many, recognizing them in a list can help you combat them. We highlight the 10 Major Weight Loss Mistakes You Should Avoid:

1. Giving credibility to myths:

Light foods do not lose weight

The vitamins either.

Olive oil is necessary for the diet.

The fruit is necessary and is loaded with vitamins and not calories

Taking only liquids, vegetables, or fish for a day does not lose weight, much less fasting.  

It is time to clarify that carbohydrates do not

make you fat, nor do you drink water with meals.

The nerves are not fattening and the metabolism is not slow or fast at will.

2. Setting a fixed time to lose pounds:

Taking only liquids, vegetables, or fish for a day does not lose weight, much less fasting.  

The general recommendation is that weight loss should be gradual (between 500 grams and 1 kg a week)

With the aim of giving the body time to reorganize from a metabolic point of view and ensure that it is consolidated, stable weight loss, and durable.

Thus, the objective is not to comply with a number of weeks of sacrifices, but to achieve a change in diet habits so as not to regain the lost kilos. 

The goal is not temporary, it must be lasting.

3. Thinking that losing weight and changing habits is effortless:

Cheating is useless.

Reducing excess body fat requires personal discipline, ordering meals, willingness to walk, swim or ride a bicycle and learn to eat well.

It should be borne in mind that the excessive intake of food in a timely manner and neglect of physical exercise for four weeks is enough for the increase in weight and body fat to last up to two and a half years later.

However, do not think that changing your habits and eating healthy means stopping enjoying life, on the contrary, following a healthy lifestyle means that you feel better inside and out, which motivates you to continue in that line.

4. Taking care of what you eat and not taking care of what you feel:

Healthy habits, control, and control over what is bought and eaten, as well as the practice of exercise, reinforce self-esteem. 

It is a wheel that increases self-esteem, which provides emotional well-being.

If it is lacking, personal crises appear that affect habits and cause anxiety.

5. lose weight for others:

Whether it is an adult or a child, you have to find the motivation in yourself. 

It is convenient to define and visualize in depth the reason that has led to the decision to lose weight, to change the way of eating, and to modify the lifestyle.

It is not worth doing it for others, in order not to listen to their reproaches or mockery or to seek their acceptance or approval. 

Even the youngest must be aware that the decision is their own, even with the support of family, friends, etc.

6. Choosing a very restrictive hypocaloric diet:

Starvation leads to diet failure.

Low-calorie diets are not a lasting solution to weight loss.

A nutritional plan for weight loss should contain most of the food.

In addition, a hypocaloric diet produces a rebound effect and loss of muscle mass.

7. Weigh yourself every day:

Weight loss is not a linear process, but if we were to draw it on a graph, it would be similar to the silhouette of a ladder with its steps.

You lose weight and stabilize for a period, you lose weight and it sets, and so on.

The mistaken belief that you are not doing well could make you throw in the towel.


8. Giving up on skipping your diet:

It could also make you give up throwing it all away every time you are tempted to skip your diet. Nothing happens.

Skipping the plan one day does not mean that you are no longer able to resume your effort.  You have to take it as a stone on the way. 

Once the pothole is over, you have to move on.

9. comparing yourself to others:

Don't compare yourself to those who lose weight.

And much less if you have decided to go on a diet at the same time as your male partner. 

The metabolic rate and muscle mass of the male are higher.

When it comes to losing weight, they do it faster.

In any case, neither in this nor in any case is it a competition.

10. Compensate:

It is not worth eating grilled on Monday after a Sunday binge.

It is not effective.

You only contribute to the metabolic imbalance, since the body tends to recover what it considers it will need for survival.

What you don't take now you will take later.  Also, you will lose weight more slowly.

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