The Best Aerobic Exercises To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Best Fat-Burning Exercises For Butt And Legs

Cellulite can be eliminated by practicing sports constantly and taking care of your diet. Check out the best cardio exercises to fight cellulite effectively and in less time than you think.

Exercise is a necessary and important activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it is essential when we want to show off a slim and toned figure. 

When the weather is good, the legs are one of the areas of the body that, for many women, is very difficult to tone due to the high accumulation of fatty tissue. Cellulite is, along with flaccidity, the enemy to beat.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a functional and aesthetic disorder that is manifested by the accumulation of liquids and fats in the subcutaneous tissue of some parts of the body, 

Such as the abdomen, buttocks, hips, or thighs and that creates an orange peel effect. 

Fluid retention, poor circulation, genetics, lack of exercise, stress, diet, or a high level of estrogen can all trigger the appearance of cellulite.

It is one of those eminently feminine ills, since it occurs in approximately 90% of cases, going through three stages,

"Edematous or Circulatory Cellulitis", "Cystic Cellulitis" (known as orange peel), and "Painful Cellulite ".

Evolution of cellulite (stages)

Edematous or circulatory cellulitis:

It is incipient cellulite, is associated with tired legs, poor circulation, and fluid retention. 

Its touch is spongy.

Cystic cellulite:

Orange peel This type of cellulite is visible in some spots with marked nodules, it is hard and cold to the touch. 

It can be said that it is in the middle point.

Painful cellulite:

When cellulite is very advanced, it is cold to the touch and has areas that are sensitive to friction, causing pain.

Although orange peel is very difficult to eliminate, it is not impossible to combat.

Making it disappear immediately is not easy, but gradually reducing it in a fun way is possible! 

With good weather the range of desirable sports increases, becoming your allies to stylize the silhouette 

While burning fat and calories, fighting flaccidity in a natural way, and eliminating cellulite.

Take note of the best cardio exercises to get in shape and show off a figure:

1. Yoga:

Thanks to its different postures, different areas such as legs, abdomen, and buttocks are stimulated.

Yoga is a very complete activity for both the body and the mind. 

Cellulite is not only fought physically, but it also reduces the symptoms of stress that affect its appearance.

2. Walk:

Cheap, simple, practical, and very effective. Walking strengthens the legs, specifically the thighs and calves. 

Walking 30 to 60 minutes a day is sufficient to obtain good results and can be incorporated into an exercise routine due to its low impact.

The way of walking, balance, and posture must be taken into account since it will be what will allow to burn fat and slim the legs.

As you gain resistance, you can increase the incline or difficulty so as not to lose the results obtained, either on the gym treadmill or on steeper terrain. 

There is no need to increase the distance or time, just increase the difficulty.

3. Step:

It is a device that allows you to practice the same exercise as if you were climbing stairs. 

Without a doubt, the practice of this variant of aerobics constitutes excellent cardiovascular, toning, and flexibility work. 

In no time, your abdomen, hips, buttocks, and legs will also thank you, showing off a slimmer, more shapely, and attractive figure. 

In addition, it is a great ally to combat stress and depressive states.

To strengthen and tone your legs this exercise is indicated since it combines aerobic with bodybuilding. 

You can do it by going down and up a step, in case you do not have the rectangular platform known as a step. 

If you don't have time to go to the gym to practice it, do it at home, the prices of these devices are quite affordable and some models take up very little space.

One of the advantages offered by the step is that it favors the ability to coordinate since it requires constant movement of the legs and arms in a choreography. 

You can accompany it with music!

4. Running:

The running phenomenon is a trend that brings many advantages:

It strengthens bones and muscles, improves the respiratory system, releases stress, fights cellulite 

Take advantage of the good weather and go for a run! Running is the quintessential calorie burner. 

With just 30 minutes of continuous running, you consume 300 calories. 

It is recommended to train to alternate with intervals of high density and speed, at a moderate pace. 

You can run 2 to 3 times a week for about 30 minutes to start. 

Practicing running on a regular basis will help you eliminate cellulite as it favors the consumption of adipose tissue in the body.

Don't forget to warm up!

Of course, make sure you hydrate yourself by drinking water frequently 

And choose good running shoes to cushion the impact on your joints and minimize the risk of injury.

5. Jump rope:

Jumping rope is considered a powerful cardiovascular exercise that allows you to lose weight, burn calories, and fight cellulite. 

It is one of the sports that provide the most and best benefits, involving every muscle in the body. 

In addition, it is good for the heart as it helps reduce the heart rate and blood pressure. 

It is recommended to practice this exercise 5 days a week in sessions of 10 to 20 minutes. 

It will help you de-stress!

6. Ride a bike:

Riding a bicycle is fashionable, and the best thing is that it is an excellent option to burn calories, tone the thighs and buttocks. 

This exercise will help you get more defined legs.

In addition, your posture will improve considerably, since you will be strengthening the muscles of the lower back. 

By moving your legs you will be able to activate blood circulation and reduce one of the feminine problems par excellence: the dreaded fluid retention. 

Try to replace the car or public transport with your bike a few days, or on the weekend take advantage and take a ride to the mountains. 

How about going out on routes in the open air with your family or friends? 

You can start by doing 25 minutes a day to get started in the mood! With 30 minutes you burn 230 calories on average.

7. Swim:

Stop making excuses for yourself. Swimming is the ideal sport to work the whole body.

Practice swimming three days a week with sessions of at least 30 minutes. 

You will burn around 290 calories!

8. Fitboxing:

It is a combination of boxing, kickboxing, muay Thai and CrossFit techniques, 

which improves general physical condition thanks to the variety of movements it provides. 

This sport burns many calories, gains strength and endurance helps combat stress, and reduces orange peel skin.

9. Pilates:

Pilates exercises, along with the fit ball, help improve toning and strengthen your leg muscles. 

In addition, you will improve blood circulation and strengthen your abs. 

With this ball, you can do different types of exercises and all at home!

Circuit of specific exercises against cellulite:

Although any physical activity that stimulates blood circulation is good for improving cellulite at any stage, 

The aerobic activities mentioned above being very beneficial, there are a series of specially recommended localized exercises that will be excellent to practice as a circuit 3-4 times a week.

Bonus Tips:

Standing with your feet together, raise your heels and prop yourself up on the balls of your feet.

Hold in this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position slowly.

Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.



On the floor, support your knees and forearms.

Then raise one leg to hip height, keeping it straight. After 5 seconds it returns to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.

2. Squats:

Spread your legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart and keep your knees and balls of your feet open and facing to the sides. 

With your back straight and without looking towards the ground, bend your knees up to 90º.

Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

3. Abductors and glutes:

Lying on your back with your legs bent, the soles of your feet on the floor, and with your arms on your abdomen, bring your legs together and contract your glutes as you raise your hips. 

After 5 seconds it returns to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

4. Abdominal contractions:

Lying on your back, bend your knees resting your feet on the floor, place your arms crossed on your chest, 

Open at the sides of your head and look up at the ceiling. Raise your torso about 12 inches until your abdomen tenses. 

After 5 seconds it returns to the starting position.

For the exercise and for to be effective, it is important to concentrate on the tension that occurs in the abdomen, and to make the effort with it without helping with the neck, the chin must be kept at all times away from the chest.

Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

What are you waiting for? Choose your favorite aerobic exercise (or combine them), practice the simple circuit of localized exercises that we propose, and start to feel its effects. 

You will burn fat

You will lose kilos

you will tone your figure

And you will say goodbye to flaccidity and cellulite. 

Does anyone give more?

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