The benefits and properties of black tea, an almost magical drink

Not only does it taste good and quenches thirst, but it also 




Slims and numerous scientific studies have proven that the intake of this infusion can combat the growth of malignant tumors. 

Discover the benefits and properties of black tea, an extraordinary, almost magical drink;

The Chinese emperor Shennong, whose name means "The Divine Farmer", since with him the first impulse to agriculture was given, discovered tea five thousand years ago. 
It took another three thousand years for the consumption of this infusion to become popular: in its beginnings, 
it served as a tribute, currency, or business between China and other countries along with silk and ceramics.

In the 20th century, scientific studies showed that a single tea leaf contains around 500 types of elements beneficial to health. 

Among others, polyphenols (antioxidants) and theine, 

which can increase or strengthen intelligence, beauty and act as an anti-aging, anti-radiation, and anti-cancer element.

"Tea has become a drink as popular as water and one day it will become more popular than water, in addition to becoming one of the most important elements of aid for physical and mental health," 

Says the president of the Association of the United States Tea, Joseph P. Simran.

According to Simran, "Tea tastes good, satisfies thirst, calms nerves, and relieves stress." 

Furthermore, he continues, "It encourages social relationships, invigorates some, relaxes others, and is good for the mind and body."

The American university Rutgers University in New Jersey carried out a five-year study on the anticancer properties of tea.

They concluded that the intake of this infusion had positive effects in combating the growth of malignant tumors.

Numerous subsequent studies have concluded that tea has many positive health effects, related to tumors or stress. 

So much so that the Japanese way of relaxing is by drinking tea.

But the concept of tea has also become popular as a product that eliminates 


Increases work efficiency, 

Prevents fluid retention, 

Promotes more fluid blood circulation, 

Relieves coughs and asthma, 

Fights infections throat, mouth, 

And stomach pain help loses weight and protect teeth.

Tea types:

Four major types of tea are available;

Green, white, oolong, and black. 

Only one of them is fermented, the black, and the semi-fermented, the oolong.

Fermented infusions have a milder flavor, although the process by which the leaves are treated decreases the potency of beneficial compounds for health, such as polyphenols. 

Unfermented tea preserves its natural flavor and bitter components, as well as preserves the healthy elements that are lost in black tea.

For example, green tea with chrysanthemum helps cool the body and flush out toxins. 

The white "Yinzhen" (silver needle) is antioxidant, has antibacterial components and vitamins.

The extraordinary benefits and properties of black tea;

One of the varieties most in demand due to the many benefits that its consumption entails is black tea, among other benefits, for its contribution to those who follow a diet to lose weight.

Black tea is a class of this infusion with really outstanding characteristics, 

Although it comes from the same plant, camellia Sinensis, from which other varieties are extracted, such as green tea or oolong, mentioned above.

Among other things, it is the variety that contributes the most theine, between 2 and 4%, which is released in its preparation. 

This makes the human body work better and increases metabolism.

In addition, its low levels of calories and sodium make it a diuretic and purifying product; 

All this makes the expert nutritionists increasingly include more frequent black tea in diets to lose weight.

It is a great ally for those who need to stay active, with an improvement in thinking and alertness, as well as urine production, avoiding fluid retention.

But there is much more. 

Black tea is the product of the oxidation of the tea leaf, a process that causes its cells to oxidize and, therefore, lose the antioxidants of tea, known as polyphenols.

However, it has recently been discovered that in this process theaflavins are generated, 

Which are 95% absorbed indigestion, 

Helping in the fight against cancer, diabetes, heart disorders, or various infections.

Black tea is also an ally in the prevention of cavities as it contains large doses of fluoride.

The antioxidants in black tea stimulate the immune system, thus preventing the action of problems such as diarrhea or gastritis.

It is a product that acts as a vasodilator, 

Favoring an increase in blood flow and more comprehensive nutrition of the entire body.

The higher bone mineral density is also another advantage of drinking black tea, 

Which can be understood as a contribution in case of suffering from osteoporosis problems.

Black tea is among stimulant infusions, for its contribution to keeping the brain awake, 

Which makes it a great ally to keep the memory in good condition, both in the short and long term.

Another of the attractions of black tea is that it also has components that strengthen learning, in relation to the great help it supposes for attention and concentration.