Tips To Fight Slow And Heavy Digestion With These Healthy Foods, And Correct Posture!

One in three women suffers from heavy digestion. 

It is enough to modify some dietary and lifestyle habits to overcome them. 

Besides, choosing the right foods and taking care of your body posture at the table are keys to promoting proper digestion.

Christmas is synonymous with copious meals in which we usually eat foods that we are not used to eating at other times of the year. 

Culinary excesses take their toll on our digestive health. Constipation, bloating, gas and slow and heavy digestions are some of the inconveniences that come with meals and dinners with too much fat, sugar, and alcoholic beverages. 

In short, during the holidays we unbalance our diet, moving away from a healthy diet.

To prevent the stomach and intestines from suffering due to “overload of work”, these foods will help to achieve greater digestive comfort:


this exotic fruit contains a substance called papain, capable of digesting both animal proteins 






And vegetables


Nuts helping us to better digest food and feel deflated. 

It will be ideal in salads that are prepared for Christmas meals or in desserts.


A great ally in the digestion of fats, it favors the secretion of bile,

Making it ideal as a garnish or accompaniment to dishes with fat content, such as: 

Fried foods


Or cured cheeses. 

Also, its natural inulin content helps maintain healthy intestinal flora.

Whole foods:

They are essential for the good state of the intestinal flora so in these copious meals, 

It is advisable to bet on whole wheat canapes, to gain digestive health.


Very characteristic of Christmas meals, it has a high diuretic effect that makes it an essential food for eliminating toxins and reducing the feeling of bloating.


This vegetable contains substances called mucilages, 

Which gives it emollient (softening) properties for the digestive system. 

As it is an easy-to-digest food with a slight laxative effect, it is recommended in case of digestive problems and constipation.

Tips to avoid heavy digestions;

Bloating, burping, constipation, or diarrhea are some of the most common symptoms of poor digestion, a problem suffered by one in three women. 

Keep in mind a series of tips that go through modifying eating habits and lifestyle, 

So that your digestion suffers as little as possible and heavy and slow digestions do not make your day bitter:

1. Foods rich in protein:



fresh cheese.

2. Be careful with medications:

Antibiotics degrade the intestinal flora. 

In these cases, and to promote a healthy intestinal flora, 

Make sure you regularly consume foods rich in inulin, 

A prebiotic plant fiber present in the root of Chicory





And asparagus.

3. Take more yogurt:

Its microorganisms help to regenerate the intestinal flora. 

If it has Bifidus, better.

4. Increase your fiber intake:

Between 30 and 50 grams per day to stimulate intestinal transit and avoid constipation. 

To achieve this, choose foods of plant origin

Which you should take at the beginning of the meal (vegetables, salads ...), to satisfy yourself, 

Leaving the most caloric second dishes for later, when your appetite has decreased.

5. Drink plenty of water and exercise:

At least half an hour a day, it can be walking, swimming, running, or riding a bicycle. 

You will help your digestion.

Reduce your salt intake. 

It helps you reduce fluid retention and abdominal bloating.

6. Avoid fried foods and sauces:

as they are very rich in fat and favor heavy and slow digestion, as well as acidity and burning.

7. In a restaurant, order moderate amounts: 

A large meal will cause long and heavy digestion. 

It is preferable to order a moderate amount just to satisfy your appetite and after 2-3 hours have a light snack, for example, a piece of fruit. 

Discover here 6 foods rich in fiber to curb hunger between meals;

8. Have a light and early dinner: 

So your digestion doesn't cause reflux. 

Taking an infusion of chamomile after dinner is also very beneficial to promote digestion.

Table posture matters too;

Body position before, during, and after eating also significantly affects the digestion process. 

Pedro Torreño, Nutrition Center personal trainer, offers the following recommendations:


try to have done at least 30 minutes of physical exercise before eating, this, together with breathing deeply between 8 and 10 times just before sitting at the table, will help you eat in a relaxed way and without stress. 

In this way, you will avoid eating food quickly and compulsively, a clear conditioner of heavy digestions.


Sit straight and slightly forward, that is, close to the end of the seat and without supporting your back on the backrest. 

This posture, far from being uncomfortable, facilitates the entry of food into the stomach, contributing to agile processing of food and combating slow and heavy digestions.


Avoid sitting for a long time once you have finished eating, but do not do sudden exercises until the ingested products have been digested. 

Clearing the table, sweeping, or washing dishes is a good option to stay active without making movements that are harmful to food processing.

Irritable colon?

A study published in the journal American Family Physician ensures that peppermint oil can help relieve irritable bowel symptoms.

Researchers claim that 79% of irritable bowel patients who take a peppermint oil supplement three times a day experienced marked improvement. 

It is because this substance relaxes the gastrointestinal muscles that produce the spasms.

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